* Ingredients :° Half a cup of butter° 1 cup onion cut into cubes° 1 cup 1/2 and 1/2 of° 1 cup chicken broth° 1 tablespoon black pepper° 1 teaspoon salt° 2 cups frozen mixed vegetables° 2 cups shredded chicken° Three tablespoons of cornstarch° Half a cup of bloodless water 1 ° Cake batter * Description:The temperature of the oven is 400 degrees Fahrenheit.Melt butter on the stove in a large saucepan. Fry the onions and butter for three to five minutes, or until the onions are translucent.Add 1/2 and a half chicken broth, mixed vegetables, poultry, and spices.Stir and cook dinner for five minutes. Add cornstarch and water. Add it to the chicken pie filling bowl and mix well. Cook for five minutes.Remove the filling from the heat source.Divide the cake batter into three portions. Roll on floured floor in a circle.Place the bottom of the cake on the baking tray Place the pie tray on a folded baking tray.Carefully pour the chicken pot pie filling onto the pie pan.Roll half of the pie crust in a circular motion. Place the crust over the pie filling. Trim extra pie dough. Take the excess and wrap it with a long rope.Wrap the rope around the edge of the top of the bird cake. Using your fingers, squeeze the rope to make scallop shapes. Slit the top pie crust using a few “Xs” to let the steam escape.Bake for 30-40 minutes or until crust is golden. Allow the bowl of chicken to cool for 10 minutes before serving.Enjoy !
Chicken Pot Pie with Homemade Crust