Frozen Strawberry Dessert

Consisting of a creamy cookie crust, frozen strawberry whipped cream filling and sparkling strawberries, this frozen strawberry dessert is the ultimate summer treat!  This recipe has a fruity, cold taste similar to unbaked cheesecake withStrawberry Sauce (and similar ingredients, too), plus the flavor of strawberry blended throughout.
This is one of my favorite frozen desserts!Do you want to cook a delicious dessert in the summer?
* Ingredients :
° 3 c crackers graham (about 22 whole graham crackers)
° 3 / 4 Tas Ung Salzin Butter, Ghee 6 tsp granulated sugar
° Eight ounces of soft cream cheese
° 1/2 cup powdered sugar
° 1 14 oz. of condensed milk
° 1 tsp vanilla
° 1 c whip cream
° 1 c strawberries cut to cubes
° 2 1/2 cups whole strawberries
* Preparation  :
Spraying 9 13 bowl with non-stick spray. Spread and mix biscuits, sugar, and margarine in a medium dish, then press 1/2 of the mixture into the lowest 9×13 pan and place the rest in it.Place the whole strawberries in a blender and beat for 12 minutes until smooth.In a medium bowl, beat the cream on low speed for one minute, then on high until thick, about four minutes. Sit down.In  bowl, beat cream cheese & icing sugar on low speed to creamy, thenadd the condensed milk, vanilla and strawberries, stirring until smooth, add the whipped cream until well combined. Adding strawberry balls, sprinkling with cookies, & sprinkling with rest of cookies on top.
Enjoy it !